Condominium Approvals

Heritage Building

Condominium Approvals

Condominium Approvals

Condominium Approvals
Development Expertise
Lindy Consulting Limited has taken a lead role in the management of the development process of numerous development projects.
The combined experience of hiring a professional architect with development management expertise is a great benefit during all stages of a real estate development project. From the initial project to final completion of the project, Lindy Consulting Limited is your trusted partner. Our architectural background together with professional knowledge of design, project management, LEED, development and construction, enables involvement in planning, development and completion of complex projects. Prior to Lindy Consulting, the principle Steven Lindy Architect has had a broad experience with development work.
Architect, Principal
Steven Lindy, B.Arch., LEED AP , PMP, OAA
Experience: Zeilder Partnership Architects, Arcop Architects, Norr Architects and In the Real Estate Development Business, for Alterra Group, consulting for Greenpark Group.
Lindy Consulting is an Architectural practice formed in 2008.
One Specialty is working on condominium approvals, and acting as project manager and managing the construction of development projects.
We have an excellent track record on achieving approvals at the Committee of Adjustments.
Winner Best of Houzz 10 years in a row.
We have won best of Homestars 3 times.
Our practice is small and therefore agile and we offer personalized and friendly service and attention to detail.
We have a strong understanding of Green Building
Most of our projects are located in the best neighbourhoods in the GTA
We will take the time to meet, to listen, and to understand their needs and to help them through the process and the project.